When the dream failed to make eye contact with reality

11 12 2022 When the dream failed to make eye contact with reality

Yesterday, while working on an art project, I shook a few words out and wrote a poem, the title of this sketch is the first group of words that started it… It’s funny how my day became hi-jacked by a few words…all my plans came to a screeching halt to make time to follow the word crumbs and make sense of it. Does it make sense, or is it nonsense… I’m too close to it right now to judge with certainty, maybe another day I’ll turn on the critical eye.

Anyway – here it is (and like the sketch, it’s a bit raw, and I’m sure it will be cleaned up and such over the course of time.)


I always wanted more out of life,

My peculiar whims allowed me

to become accustomed to

conflict — I remember those times

when the dream failed

to make eye contact with

reality—(laughs a little laugh)

yeah, it can happen to anyone.

Disappointments lead to compromises

made. Get on with it—whatever

“it” is—that “It” can be anything.

Listen, I’m being ambiguous

on purpose—cuz it’s not about

me, it’s not about you,

it’s about anyone, anything—

You make up your own story,

inclusive as opposed to exclusive.

We all have dreams—great

expectations that are ours to

a fault—hey, allow for some wiggle

room to keep regrets at bay. Have a

plan to fall back on—shit has a way

of happening—always unexpected.

Damn—reality is too real some days

more than others—harshing on my

mellow metaphorical bullshit. When

dreams and realities meet, they can

shake hands, clap one another on the back,

maybe they clash—fisticuffs exchanged; they

bump shoulders in the hallway, sizing each other

up. They may send a long-distance stink eye

or they may nod their acquaintance with polite

acknowledgment or they may pass like ships in

the night, no harm done—

LJWR 11/12/2022

Election Day Morning

11 8 2022 that itch in the back of my mindThe multitude of fitted sheet memes—

yes, those frustrating bitches are a

pain in the ass to fold, they never

work well with others in the linen closet.

I make an educated effort and put

them away in a vague sort of bundle,

the corners nested together. At the

ass-crack of dawn this morning I voted,

for what it’s worth, I try to remain

hopeful that everything will work out

all right. Maybe. Uncertainty, unsettling.

The full lunar eclipse, the moon bold and

rusty; the sunrise, tender pink pearl gleam

below the ridge. A balance struck between

the night and morning. That lingering

movement in the corner of my eye,

that annoying itch in the back of my mind.

Everything is fine and unfine at the same

time. The blue jays and crows are fussing at

the birdfeeder. Looking out the window, I don’t

see anything to cause such a ruckus. Making noise

just to make noise, I guess. The kitty is not letting

me think, she keeps getting into shit, and I realize

that the food dish is empty. Never a dull moment.